inspiring videos, she without arm him without leg

These 5 Inspiring Videos Remind Us That Everything Is Possible

We often come up with arbitrary excuses for not accomplishing our goals. When actually excuses are the walls we build ourselves to stop us from doing something we are afraid to do. If you find yourself in that boat often, you should watch these inspiring videos. Also I would suggest you to read and see 21 Photos  Which Scream No Excuses.

5 Inspiring Videos To Remind Us That Everything Is Possible

Damn he’s got talent. To have discovered and developed it to such an extent, despite his disability, is a testament to his character. OK…what’s your excuse for not learning to play keyboards?

He lost his leg at age four and she lost her arm at age 19. Ma Li is a trained professional dancer. Xiaowei is not a dancer to begin with. It took a lot of persuasion from Ma Li before he was willing to give it a go. There were many times when he got frustrated and wanted to quit. Fortunately, she was able to persuade him (like an older sister) and he also slowly calmed his temperaments and changed his mind about dancing. In the end both of them really complemented each other wonderfully.

Take what you’re given and own it. This guy rocks!

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Nick Vujicic. I can’t even find the words to describe this amazing man. He has inspired so many people all over the world with his great speeches, including me. All I can say is – Thank you Nick!

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Learning to dance beautifully at your 80’s is that possible? Yes, it is. Age is not an excuse. You can always do what you’ve been afraid to do, all you need to do is find the courage.
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And now for the male readers. Neal Unger is a skater, but not an ordinary one. You don’t see 60 year old skaters everyday. By the way I can do 360 as well, I am not bragging but I just wanted to share it with you.

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I hope you enjoyed these inspiring videos and stories. Now go out and live and remember nothing is impossible, even the word itself says “I’m possible”.

Thank you for reading and please be sure to pass this article along!

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