manage your time

manage your attention

Don’t Manage Your Time, Manage Your Attention

“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” ~ Albert Einstein What if you stopped worrying about how you spent your time, and instead considered how you spent your attention? I’ll tell you—you’d get more done and be happier! Someone may spend their time …

Don’t Manage Your Time, Manage Your Attention Read More »

control of your time

3 Ways To Take Back Control of Your Time So You Can Spend It On What Matters Most

Are you spending your day doing what matters most to you? Could you tell me what your most important tasks are for tomorrow or next week? How about your goals for the year, have you made progress on them? Are they simply big nebulous things like ‘get in shape’ or ‘earn more money’ or have …

3 Ways To Take Back Control of Your Time So You Can Spend It On What Matters Most Read More »