
Why Entrepreneurs Should Engage Their Spouses in the Business

Why Entrepreneurs Should Engage Their Spouses in the Business

When her husband first joined a startup, a woman I’ll call Cindy had saved up a comfortable nest egg for her family. Even with several young children, their financial situation was stable enough that their personal risk in the venture seemed minimal. But a year later, when the seed funding dried out and no substantial …

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13 Best Ways to Fund Your Startup

You walk out the door bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, ready to knock their socks off with your new business, and then you realize you need cash to run it. Funding a startup business sounds intimidating, but here are some creative tips to help you get that much-needed cash infusion to start and continue to run, your …

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how to create online presence

How to Create Online Presence If You Are an Entrepreneur

The World Wide Web is an absolute necessity for financial advancement nowadays. Indeed, if you are to realize any sort of significant profit, investing in your online appearance, marketing, portfolio etc. should be on your list of priorities. However, when the term “online influence” is mentioned, we must admit how vague it sounds. In fact, …

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